Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reading Genealogy Blogs

If you are a follower of genealogy blogs, you probably realize they come in a variety of appearances, format and at various time intervals.  You can usually subscribe to them, being notified when there is a new post.  Personally, I prefer to read my blogs daily (and sometimes more often) with my morning cup of tea.  

Following blogs will not only be entertaining, but also rewarding in the way of genealogical ideas, tips and news.  Some of the blogs are more family oriented and others are more on the commercial side of research.  Regardless, they all serve a purpose for the genealogist. 

One of my favorites that updates almost every day and usually several times a day is Genealogy Blog written by Leland Meitzler.  If his name sounds families, it should ... he's the editor of The Genealogical Helper.  Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter by Dick Eastman is another daily update worth reading.  You can also subscribe to his Plus Edition, gaining more information.  

Others I think you will enjoy are Randy Seaver's Genea-Musings.  In his words, "Genealogy Research Is really FUN!"  How true!  Michael Neill of Illinois has two informative blogs. and Genealogy Tip of the Day are good reads.  

Professional researcher, Arlene Eakle, offers three blogs.  Her main blog, Arlene Eakle's Genealogy Blog always contains interesting and helpful research information.  She has recently added Arlene Eakle's Tennessee Blog which focuses on researching in that state.  For those researching in Virginia, don't miss out on Arlene Eakle's Virginia Blog.  

If you have not met Ol' Myrt, you must stop by her blog and read her posts.  Follow her at DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog.  If you teach genealogy or if you are a Family History Consultant, be sure to check out Teach Genealogy Blog.

Some blogs have a definite theme, such as Ben Sayer's blogs for genealogy software.  If you are a Mac user, be sure to follow his blog.  He also writes which focuses on applications for Windows.  

I always enjoy reading The Ancestry Insider blog.  Just who is that guy anyway?  He provides clues that he works for one of the big genealogy websites and is a staff trainer at a family history center.  He does work in the computer industry and you won't want to miss his vital information.  

If you subscribe to, be sure to read their Blog.  The posts are written by people behind the scenes who know and understand their product.  Family Tree Magazine hosts the blog Genealogy Insider which contains a lot of links to web pages of interest to the genealogist, plus a lot more exciting information. 

What or who is the Graveyard Rabbit?  Check it out!  From this you will link to the rabbits' blogs.  There are plenty of rabbits blogging.  Here's just a few.  Be sure to read the March 30th blog at The Mount Timpanogos Graveyard Rabbit.  It is quite amusing how they ordered pizza to be delivered to the cemetery.  Others that are fun to read include The Graveyard Rabbit of Northern Virginia and the Jewish Graveyard Rabbit.  

Then there is my family ... we keep genealogy all in the family.  I have two blogs, Genealogy Lines (which you are reading) and Nebraska Roots and Ramblings.  My daughter writes Growing Up Genealogy in which she expresses her thoughts on having a Mom totally devoted to genealogy.  My sister-in-law writes Those Old Memories, sharing family episodes as well as research ideas.  Together my sister-in-law and I write the blog, You Go Genealogy Girls.  Be sure to read about our research trips and antics!  

Can't get enough of those blogs?  You can find listings of them at geneabloggers and Genealogy Blog Finder.  You will be surprised at how many there are on Internet.  

While some blogs change frequently, others may not.  Keep in mind that people are busy ... after all they should be doing their genealogical research!  

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